Europe Single Trip Ski Insurance

Single trip insurance cover is great for that one off holiday. Some insurance companies will also cover children at no extra charge. So what do you need to know when looking for a European single trip ski insurance?
Our first advice is that whilst it is good to ensure that you have an EHIC card, don’t rely on this for all your ski insurance needs. EHIC is the European Health Insurance Card. It used to be called the E111 and is a reciprocal health agreement between European countries including Switzerland. This gives you access to state provided healthcare during a temporary stay in another European economic area. You can apply for EHIC through the EHIC online application form, this is free of charge, so do beware as unofficial websites will try and charge you.
You cannot however rely solely on this for a ski holiday. The reason for this is that EHIC will not cover many of the things you may need should you have an accident on the slopes. So for example mountain rescue is not covered, nor is being flown back to the UK. Lost or stolen property is also not included. So for anyone skiing, EHIC alone may not cover you.
A normal travel insurance policy will also not cover you for a ski holiday. If you are unlucky enough to hurt yourself then those injuries can be quite serious. You may break a bone and need to be airlifted off the slopes which can run into thousands of pounds. Or you could cause a serious accident to another skier or boarder and be liable for their costs. Skiing and boarding are dangerous sports, you could endure life threatening injuries, so always make sure you take out specialist ski insurance.
Another consideration, if you are also skiing or boarding, is your equipment. The equipment you use for skiing and boarding is expensive. If someone steals your board or skis then that could set you back thousands of pounds. This may not be covered under most general travel insurance policies.
Single Trip Insurance
Single trip ski insurance is great if you are planning just that, one ski trip away. It isn’t a great choice if you think there is a possibility you may go away again. So do be clear what your plans may be for the course of a year.
Key Features to Look Out For
Do check with the insurance provider that the European country you are skiing in is part of their European travel insurance.
Check The Length Of Your Trip
Most policies will ask how long your trip will be. Do be clear when you need the policy to start and end on. Also be clear within that time how many days skiing you are insured for.
Medical Cover Levels
Do check that you have the right amount of cover. Remember on a ski holiday you may at worse require mountain rescue, hospital stay and then repatriation back to the UK. We would suggest that as such you get medical expenses up to £10 million. Also do check that you have a good level of personal liability. If you are deemed to have been responsible for someone else’s accident you may find yourself with hefty medical bills.
Lack of Snow
You may also want to check that your insurance policy will cover you if there is a lack of snow. You can for example be transported to an alternative resort if there is more snow there,
Also ensure that you have cover for lost skis or snowboards. But also look for those policies that will cover your costs to hire replacement equipment. This will ensure that you can get back on the slopes as quickly as possible.
Ski School Fees And Lift Passes
Lift passes can be one of the most expensive outlays on a ski holiday yet many people don’t check that they are covered in an insurance policy. Make sure that they are covered and that you are also covered if you are injured and can’t finish any ski lessons. Children’s ski lessons can also be expensive so check you have cover for them.
Check Excess Levels
Some policies look cheap because they have high excess payments. We have found some as high as £200 which means that if your child loses their gloves, highly likely, this level of excess can be a real inconvenience.
Small Print Which Can invalidate a Policy
Do check the small print of any insurance policy. Many now say that you must wear a helmet and follow all safety advice. So don’t ski off piste with your child if you didn’t add off piste to your cover. Also check if you are covered for snow parks.